Top 10 List of Week 03
Samuel --- Karang Tengah

Top 10 List of Week 03

  1. FUSE — The Linux Kernel documentation
    This page is basically the documentation of the FUSE file system. It will tell you everything about FUSE.

  2. Perbedaan GPT dan MBR |Harus Pilih yang Mana?
    When I tried to install Windows on a new machine, I was asked to choose between GPT and MBR during the setup. This article will tell you the differences between GPT and MBR.

  3. What is a GUID
    Once you’ve read about the difference between GPT (GUID partition table) and MBR, you might wonder about what GUID really is. This page will tell you what GUID is all about.

  4. What Is APFS (and Why Should You Care)? | mac-fusion
    When I was transitioning into MacOS, I was confused because I could not write into my external hard drive. I did a little research and found out that MacOS uses a different kind of file system.

  5. What Is NTFS and How Does It Work?
    If you have used Windows NT or a newer version, you might once saw the text “NTFS.” This will tell you what NTFS is all about.

  6. What are the differences between NTFS (New Technology File System) and APFS (Apple File System)? - Quora
    Now that you have read about APFS and NTFS, you might wonder about the difference between them both. This forum thread will explain the difference between them and why Apple’s APFS is a better file system.

  7. Whats the Difference between a file system and a partition in Ubuntu? - windows filesystem harddrive | Ask MetaFilter
    At this moment, you might be wondering what the difference is between a file system and a partition. This page is a forum thread that will enlighten you.

  8. linux - What is the advantage of using ‘tar’ today? - Super User
    You might be wondering why we should use tarballs. This page is a forum thread that has the proper explanation for you if you do so.

  9. compression - Pros and cons of bzip vs gzip? - Super User
    While researching tar files, you might see the extension “.gz” or “.bz2,” which means that the tarball was compressed by GZip or BZip2. This forum thread will serve you the comparison between both of them.

  10. File Permissions in Linux/Unix: How to Read/Write & Change?
    When you use the command “ls” with the “-l” option, you will see something like “drwxr-xr-x” on the leftmost column. This page will tell you about what it really means.

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